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The simplest way to clean your stainless steel jewelry is with a bit of soap and water when it's dull and dirty. This helps clean off any pollutants and grime on your jewelry. Remember to please use a mild liquid soap and warm water. If you have access to an ultrasonic cleaner, you can fill it with the soap and water solution and clean your jewelry in there for 2 minutes (my preferred method).

Soak the jewelry in a bowl containing a mixture of mild soap and warm water and let sit for a few minutes. Next, take a soft cloth and rub the jewelry. For hard to reach areas, like grooves or engravings, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush that will ensure you reach those hard to get places. Once you've thoroughly cleaned off your jewelry, reassure you've dried your piece with another lint-free cloth to remove all possibilities of water spots.

FOR CRYSTAL JEWELRY: please look up if certain crystals are safe to put in water. Some crystals like selenite, are NOT water safe and will eventually dissolve/change if wet.

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